2024 AICPA EBP Conference Recap: What you need to know
This year’s AICPA Employee Benefit Plans Conference includes a comprehensive offering of educational sessions, delivered by top regulators, key decision makers and expert practitioners. Sessions at the conference include topics such as the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) and IRS regulatory update, the impact of recent legislation on employee benefit plans (EBPs) and common ERISA compliance issues and correction options.
Mayer Hoffman McCann P.C.’s EBP audit experts will give a debrief on key takeaways, tips and other helpful guidance shared at the conference.
Course Objectives
After completing this course you will be able to:
- List matters DOL and IRS representatives consider of key importance for EBPs in 2024
- Determine how recent legislation impacts various EBPs in 2024
- Apply the newest regulations within the industry to upcoming EBP audits
- Identify common ERISA compliance issues and correction options
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